Pastor Fritz Foltz

Pastor Foltz is Pastor Emeritus of Saint James Lutheran Church in Gettysburg, PA and author of the the Frontline Study content.

Lesson 5: Other World Religions

Lesson 5: Other World Religions

The youth attending our reading groups seem to find Christians groups mean-spiritedly attacking others the biggest challenge to their faith. Remember they choose the next topics at the end of each meeting. During the past two years time and again they wanted to discuss what they regarded as Christian hate groups. Most often these involved fear […]

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Lesson 4: Building Mosques and Burning the Koran

Lesson 4: Building Mosques and Burning the Koran

All three of our reading groups wanted to talk about Islam. Last week I reported on the college group’s discussion of Ben Laden’s assassination. That one took place at the end of the school year. At the beginning of the year the high school group wanted to look at building a mosque near Ground Zero […]

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Lesson 3: Ben Laden’s Assasination

Lesson 3: Ben Laden’s Assasination

Bob is quite right when he warns that our response to the actions of those we oppose too often plays into their hands. You see this in many of our reactions to 9/11. All three of our reading groups repeatedly brought this up. They wanted to talk about Islam more than any other subject, and […]

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Lesson 2: Speaking For God

Lesson 2: Speaking For God

All three of our youth groups are very troubled with those claiming to speak for God when uttering hate messages. Twice during the last year the High School Reading Group wanted to talk about Westboro Baptist’s antigovernment protests at veterans’ funerals. I sent the following paper to start discussion for one of those. You can […]

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Lesson 1: The Reading Groups

Lesson 1: The Reading Groups

Many years ago my daughter and son-in-law asked me to lead a reading group for a few high school students. Before long it became apparent many more were interested in discussing their faith seriously. At present 30 plus high school students meet in my home every month,12 to 20 young adults gather every other month, […]

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