Theology of the Cross

Lesson 5: The Future in the Theology of the Cross

Lesson 5: The Future in the Theology of the Cross

Our modern technological society has a problem with the future. All it has to offer is more and better technology that supposedly will enable us to do whatever we desire. That usually is attached to having more wealth. The goal is prosperity and the assumption is once you have enough, you will begin to use […]

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Lesson 4: Suffering in a Theology of the Cross

Lesson 4: Suffering in a Theology of the Cross

The other day my wife and I were on our daily walk on the college campus when a man without a mask approached us. He stuck out because wearing one is compulsory in that area. As he passed, he said quite emphatically, “God protects ME.” He apparently felt he was making a witness for Christ. […]

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Lesson 3: Uncertainty in a Theology of the Cross

Lesson 3: Uncertainty in a Theology of the Cross

A late friend who was a world class theologian used to insist that relevance is not a theological category. He had studied under Karl Barth and believed theology begins and ends with the Word of God, not the human situation. I would argue theology is useless unless I can relate it to my everyday life. […]

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Lesson 2: Freedom in the Theology of the Cross

Lesson 2: Freedom in the Theology of the Cross

Freedom has become a big issue during the pandemic. Many politicians claim refusing to wear masks is your patriotic duty for it opposes authoritarian mandates. They call on their followers to choose to live as free people. Some water down their position  by rationalizing that the COVID virus is not as deadly as scientists maintain, but […]

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Lesson 1: Luther’s Theology of the Cross

Lesson 1: Luther’s Theology of the Cross

The pandemic has brought clarity to the current situation in Christianity. As it rages on, it has become apparent there are two incompatible camps not necessarily identified with denominational boundaries. One of these consistently speaks of fighting a battle against evil and clearly regards the other camp as the opposition. The anger and threats being […]

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