Lesson 5: Immigration

Since day one of his 2016 campaign, Donald Trump has used immigration to play on people’s fears and present himself as the only one who can save them. He blames immigrants for taking our jobs, raping our women, murdering our children, and destroying our country. In 2024, his rallies focus almost exclusively on this. In the last one I watched, it was his only topic as he spoke with huge posters of two criminal aliens behind him.

Immigrants serve as a perfect object for the paranoia floating around these days. When listening to Trump, I am constantly reminded of an accomplished friend who began carrying a gun because he wanted to be ready when “they” come down the street. When I asked him who “they” were, his answer was very vague except for mentioning “colored.”

Jesus’ teaching presents love as the opposite of fear. It is fear that prevents us from doing God’s will. Love overcomes that fear.

Love welcomes the stranger. Hospitality plays such a large role in the Gospel that the writer of Hebrews suggests the stranger might be an angel in disguise. Of course, Jesus himself was a refugee when his family fled Herod’s genocide. He spoke of caring for the foreigner among us, and his followers were renowned for welcoming all people to their table.

Focusing on a fear that demonizes immigrants prevents us from addressing the reality of serious global problems. Tremendous migration is taking place across the earth because climate change is destroying fertility. In addition, widespread political oppression is forcing huge numbers to leave their homes in search of safety.

We need compassionate love, not fear, if we are to find solutions enabling us to live in peace.

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  1. paul wildman says:

    100% agree Fritz nevertheless ultimately global problems present locally to local people – what then?

    I suggest that Trumps focus has shown his ineptitude as he has, as i understand, only accomplished a matter of tens of kilometers of the wall – so it could be said he focused on immigrants to hide his own incompetence. Which supports your thesis from the opposite end so to speak.

    Climate change and political refugees (global problem) are growing fast in numbers and are over whelming many Govts in Europe such as Germany (local outcome). This will only increase public angst and political oppression as you indicate.

    A wicked problem making immigrants welcome makes the problem worse and secondly destroys/overwhelms cultures and the local ecology ability to include and adapt.

    ciao paul

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