Lesson 7: False Prophets

If having good judgment includes weighing what others think, some standards are needed for doing this. There are all sorts of bad ideas out there, including strange conspiracy theories.

This is nothing new. The Bible continually offers standards for judging false prophets. It’s worth reading 10 Ways We Can Recognize a False Prophet, as it is amazing how relevant these are for our present situation.

Being able to separate authentic from false prophets is extremely important. Real ones can discern what God is doing. In a sense, God speaks to the community through them. They often speak truth to power.

However, there is always the danger of self-appointed prophets imposing their faulty opinions on everyone else. Discussing this with someone who claims to speak for God is impossible. You lose before you get started.

As we know, this is a huge problem in our day. Humility is a lost quality, with all sorts of people thinking they have a divine message they are obligated to force on everyone else. That has become especially dangerous when many have made this a political program.

I am cutting this essay short in hopes that you’ll read what the Bible says about identifying false prophets.

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