Computers Replace Humans

Lesson 18: Conclusion (Part 1)

Lesson 18: Conclusion (Part 1)

For decades, I have thought that all of our modern problems stem to some degree from the conflict between culture and technology—the two offer completely different understandings of human life and decision-making. Technology defines truth as the accumulation of information. The more facts determined by science, the closer you are to truth (usually designated as […]

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Lesson 17: Juridification

Lesson 17: Juridification

Many years ago, my son Franz and I did a study on juridification. Chances are you never heard of the term, as it doesn’t appear in many dictionaries. Juridificatiion is the attempt to codify into law every conceivable human transaction and establish appropriate penalties for all transgressions. We supposedly would no longer need courts, juries, […]

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