Judgment as Discernment and Accountability

Lesson 8:  Romans 12 as Summary

Lesson 8: Romans 12 as Summary

I was first drawn to examining judgment when seeking a new way to describe what might help us overcome our society’s deep divisions. I thought maybe talking about making good judgments would distract us from simply arguing about our differences. It might lead to new insights rather than the defense of old ideas. When I […]

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Lesson 7: False Prophets

Lesson 7: False Prophets

If having good judgment includes weighing what others think, some standards are needed for doing this. There are all sorts of bad ideas out there, including strange conspiracy theories. This is nothing new. The Bible continually offers standards for judging false prophets. It’s worth reading 10 Ways We Can Recognize a False Prophet, as it […]

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Lesson 6: Good Judgment is Communal

Lesson 6: Good Judgment is Communal

Good judgment when making decisions involves, to some degree, consideration of the common good. This does not negate the singularity of every situation but recognizes that everything is also related to everything else. A judge representing the people in a criminal or civil court primarily offers a verdict in a single case, but that judgment […]

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Lesson 5: What Makes for Good Judgment

Lesson 5: What Makes for Good Judgment

I’ve been looking at the different meanings of judgment in hopes that they might offer some clues to helping us move beyond our society’s deep divisions. It is not that they make a different argument but that they come at it from a different perspective that encourages us to work together. For instance, claiming that […]

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Lesson 2: Biblical Judgment

Lesson 2: Biblical Judgment

Many want nothing to do with the church anymore because it is so judgmental. They remember religious leaders in their youth talking as if life is only preparation for a Last Judgment that decides whether you’ll spend the rest of eternity in comfort or torture. Everything was about taking a test of accountability that absolutely […]

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